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Dental implants or fixtures is a surgical component where the dental surgeon integrates the implant with the patient jaw bone or skull bone.  Once the dental implant is fixed an abutment is placed and finally dental prosthesis such as crowns is fixed. Via a process known as osseointegration, where material such as titanium is used as dental implant to form an intimate bond with patient’s bone, the dental surgeon will locate via several imagining tools the optimum location for the implant. Once the implant location is confirmed the dental surgeon will then proceed with performing the dental surgical procedure and finally he or she will place the implant.


There are typically four steps for placement of each dental implant summarized below:

  1. Soft Tissue reflection: simply the dental surgeon will attempt in this step to create more tissue (thicker) to surround the proposed implant

  2. Drilling at high speed and Drilling at low speed

  3. Placement of the implant

  4. Tissue adaptation: simply the dental surgeon will try to accumulate as much as possible tissue around abutment of the implant to ensure natural implant integration

The healing time required for dental implants is rather long. There are many schools of thought regarding this issue however MDOC highly believes in the classical approach of providing from 3 to 6 months of integrating time depending on various factors. This will allow optimum osseointegration and typically minimizes the risk of dental implant therapy treatment failure.


Dental implants require highly skilled dental surgeons with extensive experience in this felid of dentistry to operate on patients. There are many risks to considered before and after getting this treatment. The risks and complications related to implant therapy are divided into those that occur during surgery (such as excessive bleeding or nerve injury) and those that occur in the first six months (such as infection and failure to osseointegrate). Furthermore, there are some also long term risks which should be noted such as mechanical failures.


It should be noted that Merhi Dental and Orthodontic Center offers dental implant treatment services however we can’t advise you to get this treatment unless you have been checked by one of our dentists. Only your attending dentist can diagnose your case thus he or she can prescribe the best treatment plan for you. 

Dental Implants

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