Dental surgery covers several dental surgical procedures which involve the changing / manipulation of gum, teeth and jaw bones. Dentists typically resort to the use of surgical approach in many areas of dentistry. Listed below are some of the most common dental procedures which require dental surgery:
1.Endodontics such as removal of pulp (root canal) and complication of related root canal fracture
2.Orthodontic treatment which requires several surgical procedures such as extraction of teeth
3.Removal / extraction of wisdom teeth
4.Prosthodontics, also known as dental prosthetics such as surgical works related to placing crowns, bridges, veneers and implants
5.Periodontics in which the patient may undergo gum lengthen surgical procedure
6.Maxillofacial surgery which is typically done to the jawbone and skeletal face bones however it should be noted that this kind of surgery is considered major and requires hospitalization. Furthermore, this kind of surgery is not offered at Merhi Dental and Orthodontic Center.
It should be noted that Merhi Dental and Orthodontic Center offers several dental surgical services however we can’t advise you to get any surgery unless you have been checked by one of our dentists. Only your attending dentist can diagnose your case thus he or she can prescribe the best surgical plan for you.
MDOC highly encourages all visiting patients to ask their attending dentist about the pros and cons of dental surgery. There are some inherent risks which should be considered prior and after having dental surgery. Safety comes first, hence it is imperative that all patients fully understand what their attending dentist surgical plan is.
Patients are expected to sign and accept MDOC consent forms. In these consent forms your dentist will walk you through the most common risks and side effects related to your dental surgery procedure.
For legal reason MDOC dentists will not be able to perform any dental procedure (including surgical) should the patient refuse to sign consent forms related to his/her treatment / surgical plan.